Wednesday, May 20, 2009

last days

the last days are always the longest.
no day the whole year through can compare.
they are the boringest, hardest, worstest, of all.
torture for innocent victims.

the chirping of birds and the light summer breeze
makes focusing on schoolwork difficult.
with temptations outside, the walls of cement
are prison cells keeping us in.

the drone of tired teachers trying to cram
a little more knowledge into our brains
before the summer break fills the school.
but no one listens.

stratching fills the room as impatient students
hurriedly finish final projects. just waiting
for the final bell to announce the freedom
we long for.

1 comment:

  1. Wow....I'm sorry we didn't get to a poetry are good! This is a great poem. Keep up writing them. I look forward to your final project...and if you want to know the truth, I feel the same way! I guess we all just have to put on a show until the last day! :-)

    Mrs. Scott
