Saturday, May 16, 2009

kids just say the darndest things

little kids just make me laugh. on our trip to boise, i got some really good laughs from the things my 4 year-old brother said and did. the first day i saw him, i went over and gave him a big hug and said how much i missed him. he just punched my cheek, scowled, and said, " get away, pesi." then i asked where he got the scratch on his leg, and he told me a cat had climbed into his bed at the hotel and clawed him everywhere! he put so much enthusiasm into this lie that i almost started to believe him.
after spending 2 days in the hot sun, just watching people run, crue started getting a little irritated. his favorite part of vacations is swimming in the hotel pool, and he could not understand why no one else wanted to. so after every single race, he would ask, "how many more runs, grama?" then she would patiently reply, "only about 20 crue" the countdown continued both days until we could finally go home:) poor grama.
crue also loves to chew on things. i don't know if it's a 4 year-old boy thing, or if crue's just weird, but he has a bad habit of chewing on random things. for example, at the track meet, my family went to wendy's for lunch one day, and brought the food back to the track. crue decided to destroy the french-fry box and use it as gum. he put a huge piece in his mouth, and soon had a wad the size of a gumball. (i guess my parents didn't see him doing this.) the soggy cardboard got inhaled, and he was choking on this disgusting mess. so my dad reached in there, pulled it out, and crue went on playing with the rest of the cardboard. i had to laugh because he acted as if everyone chokes on cardboard every now and then.
these kind of stories make me wonder about what's going on in a 4 year-old's head. like did he really think a cat was in his bed that night? or did he think to himself, i'll stick this brown stuff in my mouth and suck on it.? i guess i'll never know.

1 comment:

  1. My child comes up with some funny stories also...I hope most people know that they create whoppers, because he tells some lulus!
    Mrs. Scott
