Tuesday, May 5, 2009

5 reasons why students are whiners- from a teacher's point of view

  1. they always complain about the cell phone rule. do they realize that i'm actually trying to teach them something valuable? when cell phones go off, or if students text while in class, everyone gets distracted. they don't listen to my lesson, and i might as well just talk to the chalkboard.
  2. they whine about all the homework i give. homework is necessary for learning. it drills into their brains the concept that we learned that day. and i never give so much homework that they should fall behind. if they really wanted to, they could finish in class every day.
  3. they tell me how boring my lessons are. i don't know if they know this, but when they tell me this i really want to slap them. they don't realize that i plan all of my lessons ahead of time, and try to add activities to make them fun. the problem is they're too lazy to do anything, which makes anything they do boring.
  4. they tell me i'm grumpy. well maybe i wouldn't be so grumpy if students would hand in their work on time,if i didn't have to stay up late grading papers, if students participated in class, and if they put their cell phones away! they need to realize they're the cause of most of my crankiness.
  5. students are cry-babies! they need to know they don't always get their way in life. sometimes they won't get the grade they want, or they'll have to work more than they'd like. part of school is learning responsibility, and the sooner they learn that, the happier they'll be.

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