Tuesday, May 19, 2009

the heavy door slammed in my face, almost ripping my paw off in the process. i heard the shriek of young human laughter, then footsteps running away from me. i felt so alone and forgotten. curse these sticky-fingered brats for catnapping me. my mom and all of my siblings were long gone. the only "friends" i had left were the ones in my imagination.

the shed that was my prison cell had one dinky window that let in zero amount of light. but with my super-awesome-cat-night-vision i could make out a small hole in the floor by the door. i squoze my plumpish body through the jagged hole, and made a beeline for the house. the sun was just setting, and my sleek shadow was bounding ahead of me.
i took advantage of the open door to make my way into the mouse-infested garage. the heavenly scent of rodent reached my nose as i prowled through the jungle of cars, grills, bikes, and other human junk. i was beginning to second-guess my sense of keen direction when i saw it. they were the steps leading into heaven, the greatest blessing ever given to a kitten of my size- the steps into the house. without them, adventures into the house would never be possible until i was full grown.
now i was at a loss. i could not possibly open the giant door since i have no opposable thumbs. and i could not break it down because of my lack of size and strength. so i did what all good house-cats do. i meowed and meowed and mewoed. i meowed the hardest i've ever meowed in my life. i meowed until my guts hurt. i meowed.......... and amazingly enough the door opened.
this was the chance i'd been waiting for!!! before the little brats could grab me, i dashed inside and hid under the table. but, unfortunately for me, small human arms can fit under tables too. so before i knew what was happening, i was back in my shack, thinking of my short-lived freedom in the house.

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