Sunday, March 29, 2009

sunday meetings

some of the things you see and hear in church need to be recorded for posterity. today, i observed the people around me, and realized how irreverent church actually is. the 1st thing i noticed was about 5 men sleeping. some had their mouths open, some were upright, some were hunched over, but all were asleep. the 2nd thing i noticed was how loud it is in our meeting. there are lots of crying babies, whispering, toddlers playing with toys, snacks being passed out by weary mothers, etc. then the speaker is trying to talk above the noise and every once in a while the microphone dies, which causes a static noise.
one little boy in particular was very tired of church today. i would say he's about 1 1/2, so he gets pretty restless. his mom tries to keep him occupied, but he eventually gets bored with his toys and starts trying to get out in the aisle. so she handed him his bowl of froot loops and let him go. he started shaking the bowl and spinning at the same time, but 1 year olds don't have much balance as most of us know. he got dizzy and ran head-on, face-first into the side of the pew. it was very entertaining for me and other people my age to watch, and it was hard to keep from laughing.
but, as all little boys do when they get hurt, he started screaming and wailing and kicking, so my little entertainer had be taken into the hall by his dad. i didn't have another distraction, so i had to pay attention for the rest of the meeting.


  1. The sad thing is, is that the closer we observe the more accurate we are in our observations. However maybe saying churc is irrelevant is a little harsh...Maybe saying that some of us being there is what is irrelevent. I mean what is the point of all of these people being there? Good observations. Might be something we could all do to change this scene, but I could picture it perfectly.

    Good job.

  2. hahaha, this sounds mean but I would have loved to see that little boy run into the pew! hahaha
