Sunday, March 29, 2009

the worst dream ever!!

i looked at the poor boy trembling in the corner. his eyes were wide with fear as they stared me in the face. he seemed familiar, but it didn't matter. i was set on my goal, and i had to carry it out. i raised the weapon above my head and thrust it forward, straight into the boy's chest. he pleaded with me between gasps of drowning breaths for me to spare his sisters, and then fell to the floor in a grotesque heap. i moved on to the next child, a little girl with white-blond hair and blue eyes. one after another i disposed of my 5 siblings. after it was done, i dropped the pitchfork, and ran and ran and ran. i ran until i could no longer move, until i could no longer breathe, until every bone, muscle, and nerve in my body was aching. and there, on the side of the highway, i let myself die.


  1. Uh, that was pretty much really distubing...

  2. Um you might need some counseling after that one...
