Sunday, March 22, 2009

yes, it's a mole

  • everyone keeps asking me what happened to my face, or chin, or arm. what happened was i was born to a very moly family, and i inherited that awful gene. so i went to the doctor to get those nasty things cut off, and that's why i am so scarred up. i did not scratch myself, i just got some moles removed.
now that you know what happened, let me explain the process of removing moles to you.

step 1- the doctor (dr. cameron) cleans the affected area with a swab that has disinfectant stuff on it
step 2- dr. cameron shoots numbing liquid into the mole with a needle so that i can't feel the cutting
step 3- dr. cameron tells me to tell him if i feel any pain, and soon enough he gives me another shot
step 4- dr. cameron gets his tools and cuts down to the fat layer in my body.
step 5- he streches the skin around the mole and cuts it as he goes, much like skinning a deer.
step 6- the doctor cauterizes, spelling?, the blood with an electric current that fries the blood vessels and smells like branding cows
step 7- dr. cameron sutchers (stitches) the gash and tells you how to take care of it
step 8- you go home and can not participate in weight lifting.

and that's the story behind my many injuries. i wish i could say something cool when people ask me what happened, but no, it's just mole.

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