Sunday, March 15, 2009

poor poor hair

  • do you ever stop to think of what your hair goes through in a day? this morning as i was curling my hair, i thought, "if i had nerves in my hair, i would never even touch my head, because it would hurt so bad". so lets look, from a hair's point of view, at the daily torture that it has to go through.
1st- the day usually begins with a good hard scrubbing from presli while i get suffocated with water and disgusting soap. sadly, this is the easiest and most enjoyable part of my day.
2nd- after the awful shower, i have to undergo a series of tugs and pulls that separates me from all of my friends.
3rd- hot air gets blasted on me for about 20 minutes, and i feel like i'm being baked alive.
4th- now comes the very worst part of the day: the hot irons. i get attacked every day by either a straightener or a curling iron. at the same time i get plastered with spray as presli tries to get me tamed down.
5th- as if going through all of this wasn't enough, i then have to go to school where i get touched and flipped and pulled on and played with all day long!! and after school i have track, where i get all sweaty, disgusting, and tangled once again.
6th- finally, i get a break from the torture when presli goes to sleep:) but the relief doesn't last long; i have to go through the whole thing the next day, and the next, and the next,..........


  1. This was a very clever post. You wrote from the perspective of hair. It is hard to write from different perspectives, but it is also very unique and fresh. I enjoyed this and it made me laugh! Good job!

  2. haha Presli you are to cute i really liked this and yes it made me think what i put my hair through. I quite enjoyed this very creative and fun! :)
