Thursday, April 30, 2009

a day as my sister

me and my sister don't get along very well sometimes, so i decided that i would look at what she has to go through every day and hopefully gain some perspective on why she says and does certain things. so here's the daily story from my sister's point of view:

my alarm goes off at 6 a.m. every morning, and i never, ever push the snooze button. my mornings run a tight schedule, and i hate when it gets messed up. my morning ritual is as follows:
1- wake up at 6 and practice my piano
2- get in the shower (if i didn't the night before)
3- get dressed in the clothes i picked out the night before
4- do my hair and makeup
5- eat breakfast
6- enjoy a ride in the old rocket w/ my crazy, loud, obnoxious siblings who constantly tease me

after i get to school, i talk in the halls with my "friends" who are happy that day. the boys are just plain stupid, as all junior high boys are, so i don't like being around them. and some girls in my class are bipolar, so i never know when they're going to ignore me, or when they want to be friends. so i just talk to the people who seem like they're in a good mood, since i don't really have a best friend.

one of my teachers doesn't like me, i swear. he wouldn't let me give my report when i asked, then gave extra credit to the girl who he picked to go first. he also gave me detention for being late, even though he never gives detention to people who are late every day.

at lunch time, i just starve, since i am a pretty picky eater. i'm starving for the rest of the day, and get in a grouchy mood from not eating.

after going to school and dealing w/ my stupid "friends" and dumb teacher, i have to go home with a sometimes grumpy sister and brother who don't share their food in the pickup. so then i get angry because they are so selfish, and i snap at everything they say. then when i get home, my mom gets mad at me for being grumpy, and she has to ask me if i'm "doing my part to make our home a happy one."

when i finally get some food in my stomach, everyone teases me about being moody because i switched from mad to happy so fast. i don't bother to tell them about my day at school, because they'd probably just tell me to be nice to my friends, even if they're mean to me; and that the teacher doesn't hate me; and that if i was really hungry, i would eat the lunchroom's food.

my day ends on that note, and i go to bed. only to start the whole process over the next day.

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