Sunday, April 5, 2009

i couldn't think of an idea for a post, so i decided to take some words and write little descriptions or sayings by using the letters that make up that word. for example:

O- only enjoy the
R- rich
E- everlasting goodness
O- of an oreo

G- giddy/ bored
I- independent/ needy
R- ready/ hesitant
L- loving/ rejecting

B- builds on the base of a girl's affection
O- overcomes his fear by embracing it
Y- yeilds to the comments of harsh friends

H- hallways
I- invite
G- gossip, and
H- help

S- sayings
C- clutter
H- heads
O- of
O- overly eager
L- listeners

1 comment:

  1. Presli...These are actually called acrostic poems and they are usually kind of corny...however I really liked how you actually created an image that related to the object your were describing. The oreo and boy and school ones were my favorites.
    I've enjoyed your humor and your poems. You might want to think about doing something like this for your final.
