Tuesday, April 21, 2009

the less than average ____________ (fill in correct name for a sentence that starts w/ the same letter)

  • tangy tropical trees tangle together tonight

  • many moms mumble morbidly and melt macaroni marbles

  • candy corn crumbles causing kooky cranes to crack

  • yellow yaks yodle yet yearn to yell yucky yoyos

  • doggy doo doo does devasting disastrous damage

  • frumpy frogs frown from frilly frocks full for fumble

  • amazing alligators anticipate aftershock afternoons

  • silly serpents slither silently sassing slyly

  • porcupines prick pigs producing piercing peals

  • giraffe genders jump on jumbled juniper juice

  • little lilly laughs loudly licking lollipop licorice

  • vicious vans venture very vigorously

  • horace heaves heavy herfords having hefty herfords

  • rosy reports radical responses resisting reverant radishes

  • zulu zebras swindle zigzagging zesty zingers

1 comment:

  1. I've never been able to do this very well! Very interesting!
