Sunday, March 29, 2009

sunday meetings

some of the things you see and hear in church need to be recorded for posterity. today, i observed the people around me, and realized how irreverent church actually is. the 1st thing i noticed was about 5 men sleeping. some had their mouths open, some were upright, some were hunched over, but all were asleep. the 2nd thing i noticed was how loud it is in our meeting. there are lots of crying babies, whispering, toddlers playing with toys, snacks being passed out by weary mothers, etc. then the speaker is trying to talk above the noise and every once in a while the microphone dies, which causes a static noise.
one little boy in particular was very tired of church today. i would say he's about 1 1/2, so he gets pretty restless. his mom tries to keep him occupied, but he eventually gets bored with his toys and starts trying to get out in the aisle. so she handed him his bowl of froot loops and let him go. he started shaking the bowl and spinning at the same time, but 1 year olds don't have much balance as most of us know. he got dizzy and ran head-on, face-first into the side of the pew. it was very entertaining for me and other people my age to watch, and it was hard to keep from laughing.
but, as all little boys do when they get hurt, he started screaming and wailing and kicking, so my little entertainer had be taken into the hall by his dad. i didn't have another distraction, so i had to pay attention for the rest of the meeting.

how to cover up bad haircuts...

  1. wear a headband
  2. wear a hat
  3. use lots of hairspray
  4. dress up so it looks normal (ex.) wear an Indian headset
  5. wear ugly clothes to distract from your ugly hair
  6. wear hair very curly
  7. don't wear hair straight, the bad cut is way more noticeable with straight hair
  8. use bobbypins for too short bangs
  9. also for bad bangs, wear them different than you normally would so people notice the style change, not the shortness of the bangs
  10. the opposite of #5- look fabulous to make up for your hair
  • if you can't tell from the post, i have a really bad bang cut right now. so please, no one laugh or stare or point. just pretend like nothing is wrong and we will all be happy:p

the worst dream ever!!

i looked at the poor boy trembling in the corner. his eyes were wide with fear as they stared me in the face. he seemed familiar, but it didn't matter. i was set on my goal, and i had to carry it out. i raised the weapon above my head and thrust it forward, straight into the boy's chest. he pleaded with me between gasps of drowning breaths for me to spare his sisters, and then fell to the floor in a grotesque heap. i moved on to the next child, a little girl with white-blond hair and blue eyes. one after another i disposed of my 5 siblings. after it was done, i dropped the pitchfork, and ran and ran and ran. i ran until i could no longer move, until i could no longer breathe, until every bone, muscle, and nerve in my body was aching. and there, on the side of the highway, i let myself die.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

spring break

for spring break, some people vacation, some people work, and some people just chill at home and play video games. i don't really do any of these things. what i do is eat, and eat and eat and eat. especially this spring break because General Conference was on over the weekend, so i just sat in front of the tv and ate candy.

i also ate a lot this weekend because it was my sister's birthday on saturday, so we had cake and ice-cream. then today, sunday, my grandma made dinner for our extended family, and we also celebrated my cousin's and aunt's birthdays as well. so i had about 3 pieces of cake today too.

the only downfall of eating sweets is the effect the sugar has on monday's track practice:(

Sunday, March 22, 2009


round and round and round again
it stretches ahead of me
like a lonely road
just waiting to be traveled.

one foot, then another,
i get closer to the end.
my breath comes short
and the race seems endless.

the crowd is but a hum
in the background,
while my brain is filled
with the rushing of blood.

thoughts come into my brain
that tell me to give up and quit
but i push them out and
work hard until the finish line is crossed.

15 loudest noises in our house

  1. backdoor slamming
  2. cason quietly teasing King crue
  3. chairs scraping on the tile
  4. basketball bouncing upstairs
  5. taylor and jordi screaming while playing
  6. singing- everyone
  7. piano banging
  8. forgotten alarms
  9. crash-cars on the track
  10. dad's yawns
  11. mom's sneezes
  12. tv trying to be heard over the talking
  13. dad and cason's burps- very disgusting
  14. radio blasting while doing saturday chores
  15. volleyball bouncing against the wall

i'm sure there are more noises, but these are some of the very loudest. no wonder my mom always has a headache.

yes, it's a mole

  • everyone keeps asking me what happened to my face, or chin, or arm. what happened was i was born to a very moly family, and i inherited that awful gene. so i went to the doctor to get those nasty things cut off, and that's why i am so scarred up. i did not scratch myself, i just got some moles removed.
now that you know what happened, let me explain the process of removing moles to you.

step 1- the doctor (dr. cameron) cleans the affected area with a swab that has disinfectant stuff on it
step 2- dr. cameron shoots numbing liquid into the mole with a needle so that i can't feel the cutting
step 3- dr. cameron tells me to tell him if i feel any pain, and soon enough he gives me another shot
step 4- dr. cameron gets his tools and cuts down to the fat layer in my body.
step 5- he streches the skin around the mole and cuts it as he goes, much like skinning a deer.
step 6- the doctor cauterizes, spelling?, the blood with an electric current that fries the blood vessels and smells like branding cows
step 7- dr. cameron sutchers (stitches) the gash and tells you how to take care of it
step 8- you go home and can not participate in weight lifting.

and that's the story behind my many injuries. i wish i could say something cool when people ask me what happened, but no, it's just mole.

my birthday wishlist

the title basically explains it:

  • high school musical 3: senior year- soundtrack
  • shorts for track. - i'm down to about 2 pairs of shorts
  • a puppy- i've never had my own pet. well, once when i was about 5, but does it count if you can't remember?
  • a date- this is my sweet sixteen, and i kinda hope i'll have a date
  • another band for my bumble watch
  • a ctr ring
  • a zune- especially since my pickup doesn't have a radio
  • twilight
  • "the host"
  • "the secret journal of Brett Colton"
  • silver necklace

Sunday, March 15, 2009

the troubles that occur when SWATHING

  • swathing- even the name sounds like trouble. but when you mix the machine w/ a 12 year old driver, you know for sure that nothing good will happen. i know these things from experiences that i have had. i'm going to just share a few w/ you.

-+-the 1st problem i had was not knowing that i was supposed to rev the throttle all the way up when not in field gear. so there i was, driving 2 mi/hr down the salmon hwy. i had no idea i was doing something wrong until my older cousin, skyler, flagged me down and taught me how to work the thing.

-+-the 2nd experience i had was opening a field. it was one of my first times doing it by myself, and i was very nervous. first of all, opening a field means cutting 3 swaths around the perimeter of the field so you can turn around when you start cutting the hay. anyway, this particular field had huge holes at the headgates where the water comes out. so the goal in opening a field is to cut as close the holes as possible without dropping a tire in them. i was doing my best when my stomach dropped and the swather tipped far down the left. i had done the unacceptable and dropped my front tire into one of those huge holes.

my dad was not home, and neither was my uncle, but i finally flagged down baker, he works for my dad too, and he helped me get my swather out of the hole.

-+-the 3rd problem w/ swathing that i had was when i forgot to pay attention to what i was doing. in one of our fields we have risers. these things allow water to get to the wheel lines so the hay can grow. well i was just singing to my radio, enjoying myself, when i heard and felt my swather stop. i had hit one of those risers, and the whole metal top had popped off. i was so scared to tell my dad, but i called him anyway. he was really, really mad because he had even put posts in the ground to help me see where the risers were. so i got banned from the radio, and almost banned from swathing for the rest of that crop.

  • i have many, many more experiences w/ swathing- such as getting plugged and running into the ditchbank, and swathing our neighbor's field on accident- but i think i'll end here. i think this should be a lesson to all farmers: never trust a 12 year-old girl w/ an expensive piece of machinery.

i need a tylenol!!!!!!

for most people, car rides can be a relaxing, enjoyable time where they talk and grow closer to one another. this is usually not the case with my family. but 1st of all, let me introduce my family to you in age order.

  • first, there's me, presli. i'm the oldest of 6 kids and i'm almost 16 years old. i love being around my friends, playing sports, and reading. i like to have fun w/ my siblings, but every now and then, like most normal people, i just need a break.
  • the second child born to my parents is cason. cason shoots hoops outside every day, even when it's freezing cold. he is a 14 year old boy who loves, loves, loves, to tease his 4 sisters. so our house is usually full of female voices screaming our favorite phrase, "CASON!!!!"
  • third child- kori. she will be 12 in 2 weeks:) fun fun. kori is the shopper of our family. if she had money, a drivers' license, and my mom's permission, she would be in town every day looking for new clothes. kori also can not stand it when the little girls ask their silly questions. she has about the same amount of patience that i have.
  • taylor is the 4th born and is 9 years old. she loves to sing. she has been singing even before she could talk. (we have it on video for proof) taylor loves little kids and is a very good babysitter for my mom.
  • jordi k. is the second to the last of the children in our family. she idolizes all of her older sisters, especially taylor- but she'll never admit it. jordi is very athletic and loves to play volleyball and basketball w/ her dad. she also does gymnastics along w/ kori and taylor. they are all getting good at it, and they can now do more pullups than me. (i can only do 1/2, so that's not too hard to do)
  • crue is the baby of the family, and he is very spoiled. he is usually a fun, cheerful boy to be around, but, like all 4 year-olds, he has his grumpy moments. crue loves to be the center of attention, and pouts if he doesn't get it from us.

so now that you know a little bit about me and my siblings, let me tell you about our car rides. it starts when we walk out the door; we have assigned seats according to age, but for some reason, the younger kids forget that rule. so when we walk out the door, someone calls "i get middle". then an argument breaks out, and everyone gets involved, and my parents have to say "the next person who talks mean is walking!" so then we all sit in silence for a while.

after the awkward silence, someone asks if we can watch a movie. then an argument starts over what movie to watch, and the process starts over.

then after a movie is decided on, someone says my mom's name. for some reason, everyone decides to talk to my mom at the same time, and our car resounds with the word, "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM!!!" well, soon cason, kori, and i all have a headache, my mom has a headache, my dad has a headache, and we're all annoyed with each other.

when our destination is finally reached, we're not very happy with one another. but, after being apart from each other for a while, we forgive and forget. but only until the next trip we take together:D

poor poor hair

  • do you ever stop to think of what your hair goes through in a day? this morning as i was curling my hair, i thought, "if i had nerves in my hair, i would never even touch my head, because it would hurt so bad". so lets look, from a hair's point of view, at the daily torture that it has to go through.
1st- the day usually begins with a good hard scrubbing from presli while i get suffocated with water and disgusting soap. sadly, this is the easiest and most enjoyable part of my day.
2nd- after the awful shower, i have to undergo a series of tugs and pulls that separates me from all of my friends.
3rd- hot air gets blasted on me for about 20 minutes, and i feel like i'm being baked alive.
4th- now comes the very worst part of the day: the hot irons. i get attacked every day by either a straightener or a curling iron. at the same time i get plastered with spray as presli tries to get me tamed down.
5th- as if going through all of this wasn't enough, i then have to go to school where i get touched and flipped and pulled on and played with all day long!! and after school i have track, where i get all sweaty, disgusting, and tangled once again.
6th- finally, i get a break from the torture when presli goes to sleep:) but the relief doesn't last long; i have to go through the whole thing the next day, and the next, and the next,..........